When R was born, there were a lot of "-est" words floating around in my head.
"He's the sweetest child," "Isn't he the cutest baby in the world?" and "You have the greatest smile," were all typical thoughts in my head and things I would say to R.
As a parent, I had been pre-programmed to secretly know, though I never would say it outside our immediate family circle, that our child is the cutest/smartest/sweetest child on earth.
So then along comes G and I find myself repeating the above refrain. Herein lies the problem: I have two of the same gender so I can't use the convenient escape hatch my parents used with my bother and I of saying we were both their favorites, he, their favorite boy, and I, their favorite girl.
I think I have this "-est" problem nipped in the bud, but I do still have my moments. I mean, when G is almost asleep and I put him in the crib and he smiles back at me, I can't help but say, "you are the sweetest..." Am I the only one that struggles with this?
Meals for the week:
The Sweet Peas are on vacation at the beach this week! I will post when I am back at the condo during G's naps, but I am officially on vacation from the kitchen. Hey, even a die-hard foodie needs a break now and then too, right?
Have a great vacation!
Have fun and enjoy eating out for a while!
Quick question - I'd love to hear your thoughts on kids vitamins... Thanks!
Have a great vacation! Don't forget to use tons of sunscreen!
And, for the most part, I don't even think twice if I let an -est in there every now and again. But we do a lot of "You're the smartest [big girl/3-year old or baby/toddler/1-year old]" round these parts.
Have a wonderful vacation. Enjoy being away from the kitchen!!
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We do vitamins just because R is becoming pickier and pickier and I figure it helps "round out" his nutrition. I do a standard multi-vitamin for it. Is this what you were asking? Whole Foods has good ones without the funky dyes, etc.
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