I have a vivid memory of when Jill was perhaps 2, and my brother and I were coaxing her on a hot summer day to take the cantaloupe off her plate and put it down her shirt and in her hair. We thought it was hilarious; my mom, not so much.
Yesterday G and R were finishing a meal, which happened to include cantaloupe. I hear R saying coyly to G, "oh G, don't put your cantaloupe in your hair," in perfect reverse-psychology tone and intonation. Of course G dutifully began smashing cantaloupe in his hair to rave reviews of laughter:

Life is sweet,
Gotta love big brothers. I remember mixing tobasco into Melissa's chocolate milk once. Mom wasn't pleased, but I thought it was hillarious.
My girls would be *horrified* by the misuse of canteloupe. Rub apples, bananas, even blueberries in your hair all you want...but you don't mess with their canteloupe.
boys, boys, boys-that's all I have to say. They LOVE making a mess! Cute picture!
I *love* that picture of G. That face says it all.
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