Monday, March 30, 2009

Painfully Smiling

No big musings going on here today. Just a busy weekend and the realization that G has entered the "painful forced smile" stage.

Come on, you know this stage, right? It is when your child, when asked to smile, instead of just thinking happy thoughts and allowing a natural smile to appear on his face, makes a face that doesn't resemble anything happy.

And yes, I cooked up some G soup later that day...

R has had this face mastered for some time...

Our meals for the week:

Seared Scallops, Fried Okra, Cheese Grits and Strawberries
Slow Cooker "Roast" Chicken, Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Green Bean Casserole
Pork Carnitas
Carnitas and Chicken Enchiladas
Roasted Vegetable Lasagna

Have a good one,

PS--Oh, and Whitney? I haven't forgotten...the fried okra recipe is my next post.

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