Don't you just hate it when you are *trying* to do your grocery shopping and the cart just won't cooperate?
What is your number one grocery store frustration?
The boys generally like going grocery shopping (and the samples!), so mine has to be when I am ready to pay and I realize I forgot something on my I grab the boys and make everyone else in line wait, or do I just forget about it? Decisions, decisions... Unless it is absolutely crucial, I generally just wait until next time.
Hope this video brings a smile to your face,
Hmmm... it's a toss up between forgetting my list and every time I round a corner running into the same old lady with the psychotic cart that she can't control.
Definitely forgetting my list/coupons/bags. Jake loves the grocery store - particularly for the samples and Buddy Bucks (something I'll introduce your boys too very soon) so I generally take my leisurely time and enjoy myself.
Mine is forgetting things that are clearly marked on my list and running back 10 aisles to get them - happens every time. Also, the parents who use the mega size "truck" carts for their kids but lack the strength/agility to steer them. Don't all parents tell their kids those carts are "broken" as I tell mine :) On a happy note, I love the cupholders on the new carts at my Harris Teeter - with a Starbucks in the same plaza it's pleasant to enjoy a tea or latte while shopping.
I *love* how G can't seem to part with the lunchbox, and is torn between putting it down and just pulling on the cart with one hand!
My biggest frustration is having a full/heavy cart and being on one end of the store, and then either remembering that I forgot something on the list, or getting a call to get an additional thing that is on the complete opposite side of the store. :)
I'm also with Marcy -- I tell my daughter that I'm unable to push those carts and just hope and pray that all of them are taken before we get to the store!! I can't maneuver them well at all!
That video is so cute! I love how the little guy is trying to figure out if and when to put the lunch box down...decisions, cute!
My grocery store frustrations are when I think of a recipe to make, run in the store and can't remember all the ingredients...that drives me nuts.
My biggest frustration? Actually having to go grocery shopping. Even if it's at my beloved Wegman's, I hate hate hate doing it!
I had to laugh quietly so as to not wake up my napping 8 month old. That was hilarious.
My biggest frustration would have to be that they don't have exactly what I am looking for. I am not about to go to two grocery stores to complete my list. If they don't have everything I want, my weekly menu gets screwed up and I feel like the world is going to end. Like if they don't have sun-dried tomatoes, my breathing becomes short, I get the sweats and the shakes and start pacing in small circles. It's a problem.
so cute...once I left my wallet at home and was already at the cashier with my bags loaded....I was so mad at myself!!!
I love reading all your comments, because I think, with the exception of Steel Magnolia, I have experienced every. single. one. Leaving my wallet at home would send me into a fit. Urgh! SM, what did you do??
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