Thursday, February 5, 2009

Just out of curiousity

What's been your reaction to the peanut butter/salmonella situation? Personally, we are still using peanut butter...just not PB products. But I realized I may be in the minority?

Just wondering...



Slacker Mama said...

We still use PB. In general, we don't have many PB products since the girls' school is peanut-free. But I ate a Kashi peanut butter something or other the other day...I figured it would have been pulled from the shelves at this point if it had been recalled.

Anonymous said...

I agree - we have been using our jar of Jif peanut butter (fresh one purchased just a week ago), my son's uncrustables at school, even a new 12 pack of peanut butter crackers. I also figured my stuff would have been pulled from the shelves at the Teeter had it been bad...

Renee said...

I had a PB and banana for lunch. I didn't see the brand on the recall list.

Amer21 said...

Still eating peanut butter from the jar. No other PB products in the house. Evan can't have PB because of his allergies. The PB is mainly for us!!

Deep in the Heart said...

Definitely still eating PB from the jar. What I do without it??? No PB products in the house usually. Just came back from the grocery store and there were plenty on the shelves, though.

whitneyingram said...

All of this peanut butter mumbo jumbo solidifies my opinion on cooking and baking from scratch. Almost all the effected food is processed/premade.

emstitt said...

Somehow we don't eat a lot of things with peanut butter in them, just our jar of Jif. I read that Jif wasn't affected, so I didn't toss it. Since schools don't allow peanut products, it's amazing how much less peanut butter items we use!

JerseyBaby said...

Aside from the Clif Bars we bought and ate 3 months ago, that the cyber robot from Costco called us about 2 weeks ago, nothing's changed here. Still eating PB sandwiches!

Steel Magnolia said...

Still eating PB sandwiches here too...I seriously don't know what I'd do without it!!

Brandis said...

I admit I'm a very non-paranoid person... I read this and was like, "what? There was a recall?" I guess I should probably watch the news occasionally...