Here's my weekend recap: SPH came home Friday from a short work trip with a huge bouquet of tulips in hand. This not only was a great surprise ("bringing you flowers on Valentine's *Day* would have been too predictable"), but it also helps remind me that spring is just around the corner...tulips are my favorite flower and I have smiled each time I pass them on the dining room table.
After open gym at Wendy's on Friday, SPH and I headed out for a great meal at Z Cucina. Saturday SPH let me sleep in, brought me homemade pancakes for breakfast in bed and then said to me, " why don't you take the day off?" I shopped, met my good friend Erin for lunch at Panera and then shopped some more. Needless to say, SPH scored major, major points.
The other big news of the weekend is that R learned to ride his bike with no training wheels! It was completely out of the blue when he asked SPH to take his training wheels off his bike. I was inside getting G ready to come out and by the time we were bundled up, R was riding a good 10-20 feet without help. I am so proud of you R! Bonus: While winter is cold, the extra layers provide good padding for someone trying to learn this new skill.
I am really getting ancy for spring, but I realized yesterday that we are already half-way through February and getting closer to March each day!
Our meals for the week:
Fast or Slow Chili
Homemade Pizza
Freezer Dive to make some "Touch of Gourmet" Pork Tenderloin
Homemade Fish Sticks (ran out of time last week)
Greek Turkey Burgers and Ann's Roasted Zucchini
Have a great week,
And to think there are people that don't celebrate Valentine's because they think it is too commercial. I think they use it as an excuse to not do anything.
Sounds like a perfect day!
Well, since I never got mine up on the door this year feel free to leave yours up longer for me. It'd be silly to put mine up now!
Oh, that does sound like a wonderful Valentine's day!
Congratulations to R on learning to ride without training wheels!
Sounds like a WONDERFUL V-Day. Harrison rode his bike for the first time without training wheels yesterday as well. Same thing...just out of the blue asked to take them off. It was like a 'rite of passage' and yes, I go teary-eyed!
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