This dish isn't the most visually wow-ing, but I have to tell you, it is deeeelish. R, not one to hide his emotions, gave me a very skeptical look when I placed his plate in front of him. After a few bites he said, I kid you not, "mommy, this dinner you made is great!" With tears nearly welling up in my eyes, I decided to share...
Oktoberfest Dinner
1 - 12 oz package egg noodles
1 package of broccoli slaw
1 - 14 oz package of apple chicken sausage (or any ole sausage will do) diced
1 large onion, chopped
2 t vegetable oil
1 1/2 cups apple cider
3 T brown mustard
1 T prepared horseradish (optional, but NOT the creamy kind)
In a large wok or pan, saute the onion in the oil. Once it is translucent and a bit brown, remove from the pan. Brown the sausage in the pan and then add the onion back in the pan, and the broccoli slaw. Cook for about 4-5 minutes or until the broccoli starts to wilt. Meanwhile, cook the egg noodles according to their directions.
Add the cider, mustard and horseradish (if using) to the sausage mixture and stir well to get the good bits of cooked stuff off the bottom of the pan (the fancy term is "deglazing" the pan). Continue to stir well until the sauce comes to a simmer.
Drain the noodles and pour into the sausage mixture. Mix well. Serve. Eat. Say, "yum." Repeat. Bask in your cooking prowess.
PS--When R started picking at the broccoli slaw, I told him, "this dish has two kinds of noodles!" He bought it. I hope your SPs do too.
Wow, I love what's in this. Especially the chicken apple sausage. I get those from Aidell. I am adding it to my things to make!!!
I will be trying this in the next coupld of weeks. It looks deeelish.
What kind of prepared horseradish is not the creamy kind? Will this be obvious at HT?
I think it is near the packaged meats in the refrigerated section, if I remember correctly, Renee.
oh, this looks yummy! I will definitely have to put this on our next weekly menu! Thanks!
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