Where do I begin?
After my husband and Sweet Pea R had the flu the week prior, Sweet Pea G started his round with the flu last Tuesday evening. By Wednesday night his breathing was sounding quite croup-y (is that a word?) and by early Thursday morning it was bad. I mean, really, really bad. I was a mess because none of the traditional croup treatments were working. Fortunately our pediatrician has early morning walk-in hours, so I took G and was there before they even opened.
Once we arrived at the pediatrician, G started retracting (basically, not getting enough oxygen), our doc called 911 and G and I got to go on our very first ambulance ride to Children's Hospital. The emergency breathing treatments improved his condition, but ultimately he was admitted and stayed at Children's until Friday late afternoon.
Apparently G liked his experience at Children's because Friday night/Saturday early AM he started retracting again and back we went to the ER. My mom, who had drove down first thing Thursday, stayed with R while hubby, G and I drove back to the hospital. Happily, this time we did not have to be admitted. We were sent home with some good drugs and his breathing is much improved.
I can't tell you how thankful I am that we live so close to the "#1 rated in emergency care" Children's Hospital in the country. Everyone was so wonderful, competent, caring and just created the best out of a really cruddy situation.
I am so thankful that what happened to G was just due to Influenza A and not TB or one of the other more serious things they suspected before they ran some tests.
Lastly, I am so thankful to all those who supported us through the last week with prayers, meals, phone calls, cards and support. Thank you.
Babies/toddlers are so resilient. Looking at G today, you would never in a million years have guessed the road he traveled since Tuesday night. He is such an amazing little trooper!
Again, no posting about my meals for the week...seems silly to even think about meal planning until I catch my breath and exhale...
I'm so sorry that G had to go through all of that! How scary for all of you! I hope he's on the mend, and that you can all fully recover this week!
I'm calling you later on the week. I had no idea. WOW! What a week. I hope he's feeling better soon. How scary that must have been?
Oh Jessica, I am so glad he got the treatment he needed and that everything is better now.
I was worried when you weren't posting, but I figured you had the flu. So sorry for your crazy week. Poor little G. So amazing how they recover so quickly. Give him a kiss for me.
SM--it was very scary. I didn't realize the magnitude of how serious the situation was until after the fact. I think big R staying so calm really helped.
We are all hanging in there...
your idea for a indoor picnic is great! One day R will realize what great mom he has.
Grandma BABA.xxx
That is so scary! I'm so glad you went to such a wonderful hospital and that everything was treatable. How did you hold on to yourself! Mom of the year award to you!!!!!!!
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