Later on Saturday, the Sweet Peas headed to our town's Spring Fling, which included a "Touch a Truck" event and a raffle.
Who was the first winner of the raffle? R! He won tickets to a Columbus Clipper game, about which he is thrilled.
After a quick T-ball game, we were off to Cabo Cantina for R's victory dinner for winning our family's March Madness bracket competition. It was a perfect night, dining outdoors beside the Scioto River, eating some really wonderful Mexican food.
Sunday was beautiful, a summer-y, sunshine-y day completed with a grill-out dinner at our neighbor's house. A perfect close to a nearly perfect weekend.
I'm doing my best to soak this all in because after a jaunt to visit some family, we'll be participating in "Pack-a-thon 2010." We're moving in mid-June and while I am not exactly looking forward to the move, at least this time my pregnant belly won't be cramping my packing style.
Our meals for the week are heavy on the "easy," light on the "time in the kitchen." A couple salads, grilled fish, etc.
Hope your week starts off sweet-
My six-year-old lost that same tooth last week. He was so excited! Good luck packing!
That's great about R losing his first tooth!! There's a "Touch a Truck" here in DC on June 12th we'll probably go to. We went last year and although Evan wasn't too into it, he says he wants to go again. Good luck packing and send our your new contact info. once you know it.
Hellooooo Tooth Fairy! Hope this Memorial Day Weekend is as lovely as last weekend. I'm sure the boys can think of a few hundred creative things to do with packing tape, bubble wrap and boxes.
Thank you for the time and effort you put into Sweet Peas and Pumpkins! I am a new mom; my baby is 8 months old and I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog. Along with being new at being a mommy, it is also new for me to be staying at home. These last several months have been wonderful, and unsettling all at the same time!
I stumbled upon your blog as stumbling is what I have mostly been doing these last several months ;) and so appreciate it.
Many of your recipes have been served up on our dinner table and my husband loves them. We have had the lasagna, vegetable enchiladas, Thai chicken wraps, chicken tetrazzini, green chili rice, and salmon burgers! All of which have been very yummy and easy to make with a new little one. You are making me look good come dinner time!
I was also stumbling through making my own baby food and found your DIY baby food section really helpful. Thanks so much Sweet Pea Chef!
Allyson--Your comment made my day! I am so glad the recipes have been well received.
And you must DOES get easier with the little ones.
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