March 4th.
But now think of it a different way, as in an inspiring command, "march forth!" I read somewhere years ago that a family celebrated each March 4th with their idea of how to march forth in some area.
So I challenge you this March 4th (or even if you are reading it on the 5th, 6th, or heck, in April), to think of something that you've wanted to tackle or try and get it on your calendar. Maybe even try a new recipe or food in your kitchen. Need an idea? I just happen to have one:
For years homemade bread has been a huge stumbling block. I've tried and tried with limited success. But recently, I've tried a new technique and instead of dry, heavy bread, I've had heavenly results:
I owe this all to my friend Camille. Camille is not only a master in the kitchen, but she also humbly and generously shares her knowledge and garden bounty (yes, she has a wonderful garden too, which boasts a mini-orchard too!).
Months ago Camille mentioned a book and method of baking bread, called Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day. I finally decided to march forth and try my hand at this bread making method. Not wanting to get my hopes up, I whipped up a batch of dough and figured I didn't have a lot to lose.
The result? SPH said "you could sell this at any bakery in town."
I decided to pick up the authors' follow-up book:

The whole wheat bread is just as tasty and super-healthy, great for sandwiches and to accompany a dinner.
So I shared my recent "march forth!" experiment...time to get crackin' on your own idea. Feel free to share and perhaps inspire others, just like my friend Camille.
Have a sweet weekend,
We have dough ready to be turned into pizza tonight. It is glorious, glorious bread and to know how EASY it is? Makes me feel like a rockstar! And I heart Camille very much!!
Erin--between the exercise endorphins and the "high" from making great homemade pizza/bread/etc, you could bottle how you feel. :)
I'm feelin' the love, ladies! :)
And I heart artisan bread! I just finished mixing up another batch of dough, we're having pizza in our house tonight too. :)
We too are having pizza with THE infamous dough this evening! My husband calls me from the car on his way home each evening and asks if we are having Artisan bread!!
Wow. Thanks for the rec and all the glowing reviews. I'd love to try this.
I love making bread! Yours was beautiful! Thank you for sharing your resource. I think I will be buying this!
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