It was great to read your suggestions for new recipe ideas last week. I think this recipe may kill two birds, er, recipes with one stone. Jenny, for you, this is a no-cook recipe that can serve as a side or a light main dish. Camille and Nicole, this recipe uses yellow squash, zucchini or cucumber, in whatever combination you prefer.
Easy Italian Summer Vegetables
4-5 cups diced vegetables (I used about 2 ears of corn, straight off the cob--no need to boil, 2 yellow squash, and a zucchini, but you can use cucumber, sweet peas or even thawed frozen green beans)
1/4 cup sliced red onion (optional)
2 tablespoons fresh basil, chopped
1/2 cup mozzarella, cut into 1/4 inch cubes
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon white wine vinegar (or apple cider or rice wine)
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
Combine vegetables, onion, basil and mozzarella in a medium or large bowl.
Add the oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. Stir well.
Let sit for at least one hour before serving. The vinegar in the dressing "cooks" the vegetables a bit and they are soft to eat.
Serves 4-6.
I've made this twice already in the last week, and it is an instant hit. So easy, so fresh, and even the boys eat it. Don't let the simple ingredients fool you, the fresh vegetables, combined with the slight acidity of the vinegar, and creaminess of the cheese create a heavenly combination!
Oh and Nicole and Camille, I am working on a recipe that uses a *lot* of yellow squash, I am just not ready to post as it is still "in development." :) Stay tuned.
Make it a sweet day-
Yeah - thanks sis - I can't wait to try it!!!! Kisses to Graham for me.
Love your new layout! Very bright and summery. Can't wait to get to the farmer's market next week and stock up on veggies.
I can't remember how I found your blog, but I've got lots of your recipes bookmarked and this is the first I tried. We love it! Fabulous way to enjoy things fresh from our garden (well, we don't have corn so I just used some frozen white corn). It never occurred to me that you can eat summer squash without cooking it first, and frankly, I think I prefer it this way!
delore, so glad you liked this recipe. It almost seems too easy to be good, but isn't it great??
Hi greaat reading your blog
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