Perhaps my title is a bit irreverent, trying to have a food-ish tie-in to our day, but we're headed out shortly so my sweet, sweet R can have surgery to have his umbilical hernia fixed. This surgery is not a surprise, as we've known about it since he was a wee one and while it is not a major surgery, is there anything as a "minor" surgery when it comes to your own child?
So while I wish I was writing merely about our meals for the week, food is not my prime concern this morning.
I know R is in good hands with the wonderful chief surgeon we have performing the surgery, and I know this whole situation is in God's perfect hands too. For this I am thankful.

I'll be back blogging about food as soon as possible...
We'll be thinking of all of you...
Good luck! And please, don't worry about blogging until all is well in your home.
Jack has a small umbilical hernia as well. He had a surgery when he was a month old and didn't heal up quite right. As far as we have been told, his is really small and we don't need to worry about it. I am sorry you have to worry about R's!
Seriously, good luck. I hope it turns out uneventful.
Let me know how it goes!! Hopefully all with go smoothly.
Prayers your way although I'm sure all went beautifully. Goody out of town tonight so call if you need to or can.
Amazing picture, BTW.
is this photo from Chautauqua???
Thanks All. Ryan is resting and recuperating well. His surgery was uneventful. :)
Baba--This pic is from Disney, when he was watching a performance. :)
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