Monday, December 7, 2009

Holiday S'Mores

Finally! Look what we just woke up to see...

As if the snow wasn't enough, R and G are in full blown Christmas mode. We celebrated Christmas early with Grandma and Papa this weekend and if I had to break it down it was a Thomas the Train Christmas for G and a Star Wars/Legos Christmas for R.

This is the first year that R has written his own letter to Santa:

Translation: "Dear Santa. I want a Lego Space Police Kit. From R" We'll work on niceties and politeness next year.

As I mentioned in my last post we went to our town's tree lighting ceremony Friday night. Can you guess what R and G's favorite part was of the night?

Take a wild guess...

Our local fire department had about 4-5 fire pits for s'mores making, and the boys were all over making their own. I am still removing marshmallow from G's jacket, mittens and hat.

Nothing like a warm bowl of chili to warm us up before venturing out in the cold to see our town's holiday lights. Our meals for the week are a bit hazy because I am feeling a bit lazy. I'll try and must up some energy to go to the grocery later today...

'Til then, have a great Monday-


Amer21 said...

Looks like fun!! Evan is still into Thomas trains, not so much Legos yet but I'm sure it's coming.

JerseyBaby said...

Wow! You were ready enough for Christmas to start over the weekend!? I bow to your greatness.

And now I'm totally craving s'mores.

Sweet Pea Chef said...

JB--I wrapped the presents for G-ma and Papa about 10 minutes before they were opened. You can stop bowing now. :)

Deep in the Heart said...

Jake and R have the same Santa Letter. Thankfully we talked him down from the $100 Galactic Enforcer. Phsew.

whitneyingram said...

Hopefully your big big snow storm is on it's way. We got about 10 inches today.