Monday, October 19, 2009

I Interrupt This Week's Regularly Scheduled Blog Post...

...because our home has been visited by the H1N1 virus. We're hanging in there, but it may be a day or two before I can post my next recipe...

'Til Then,


whitneyingram said...

Oh geez. I am sorry to hear that. Sending get well wishes your way!

Deep in the Heart said...

I had just read your family education post and was coming over to let you know we're thinking of you. I don't know any family who has one with H1N1 not have every child come down with it.

Slacker Mama said...

Oh no! Hope all of the Sweet Peas feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Jess - hope you two are starting to feel human again! Didn't mean to scare you by my FB post! I love you and am making your Tetrazini tonight for Lauren and Grady! Love to all! Jen

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh goodness. I am so sorry you got hit with this. I hope you're feeling better by now. Knock on wood, it hasn't come near us yet.