So today R was able to test the waters with a small group of new friends and declared that his day was "fantastic!" "Day" being really just a few hours in the afternoon; R will attend PM kindergarten and be able to forgo the early morning rush out the door for one more year.
In the midst of driving SPH to work (flat tire, our second this summer!), picking up one last thing for school at Target, attaching his requested patches on his backpack, assembling all his school supplies, taking the obligatory picture, and actually taking him to and from school, I realized I had completely forgotten to prepare dinner. Guess I was distracted with the big day, so it was veggie burgers to the rescue.
So, without further adieu, some obligatory "First Day of School" pictures:

Outside his new classroom:

Sentimental mommy that I am, I didn't even have a hint of a tear. Maybe that'll come on Friday?
Either way, I hope your back to school or back to whatever "school year" routine you share goes well...
This tired mom is headed to an early bedtime,
Hope he had a good first day!! Cute.
Oh my goodness, we had our first day of kindergarten here today (all day!). I wrote about it here...
Hope your son had a great first day and is looking forward to his return!
Congrats!!! I love that you can ease into school. Full day 5 days a week is killer - on the mommys if not the kiddos.
He looks even more grown up after the summer!!
I miss those days!
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