Monday, May 4, 2009

On Milestones and Such

I've been feeling sentimental lately, what with R "graduating" from preschool last week and getting ready for the big K in the fall. It was in this frame of mind that I clicked on a video Slacker Mama had posted on her blog. If you don't feel like crying, don't watch the video. You've been warned.

This video made me think of this book:and this one:

and how, as in "Let Me Hold You Longer" you move so quickly from "firsts" to "lasts" with your babies.

We are quickly moving toward the last day of preschool for R, with only a few more weeks remaining. G is approaching the big boy bed stage and I soon won't carry a diaper bag (I can hope, right?).

Milestones are usually bittersweet, aren't they? I once heard it said that the reason we have a hard time losing a stage, time or period in our lives is because eternity has been written in our hearts...we long for a holding on to each moment.

So on this side of eternity we do things like record each moment so we can watch the videos and remember. To that end, here's R's rendition of a classic:

While I waxed sentimental this weekend, I also planned out some meals (hey, a girl can be emotional and practical at the same time, right?):

Chili Maple Salmon, Couscous Salad, Grilled Veggies
Chicken Enchiladas
Tofu Stirfry
Grilled Steaks/Veggie Burgers, Basil Succotash
Quick Paella (new recipe)

Oh, and do you need a new recipe for all your strawberries? Click here.

Have a great week,


Laura said...

When my youngest brother was adopted, someone gave us that second book. He loved it. Loved it as in wanted it read to him every night. I hated bedtimes!!! In light of all those tears I shed, I didn't think I'd be able to watch your video... but it was pretty darn cute. I'm so looking forward to milestones that no longer require taking photos of a giant belly!

Deep in the Heart said...

I own "I Love You Forever", have read it once, balled, and put it back on the shelf. It was just too close for comfort.

Loved Ryan's singing & signing. I feel like I could do it right along with him after my practice run with Jake.

Live.Love.Eat said...

Oh girl, I am sorry. And I feel ya. My son is graduating in 3 weeks from pre-school. The whole red cap and gown bit. And he starts Kindergarten in September. I will be a mess then. And I love that book Love You Forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!

emstitt said...

I have both books -- the first one was given as a gift to us last year.

When I was in high school, a religion teacher read "Love You Forever" during a week on parenting. She had tears in her eyes while she read it and had to wipe them away. I didn't "get" it then. I "get" it now. :)