You've made it to your "whole hand of fingers" birthday. 5. 5! You have turned into a true boy, as there is little about you that reminds me of your little man/toddler days.
This past year has been transforming in so many ways. You are running and climbing and riding bikes in true big boy form. Your questions and conversations give me pause and help me to realize that you are your own person, one with growing comprehension and amazing insight. Your compassion, joy, inquisitiveness and love bless me more than you can imagine.
I love that despite all this growth you still have a tender heart and the need to snuggle with your mama. I love that you still give eager hugs and like it when I "stay a little bit" after our bedtime routine. I love you.
This next year will bring so many new adventures. The end of preschool. The beginning of elementary. Untold new adventures, new friends, new hurts, new experiences, new fun. I can't wait to see what the next year holds!
With so much love,
Some pictures from the last year...

Happy Birthday! Is the big party this weekend? If so, have a blast!!!!
Happy birthday to R!
And have a fun weekend o' celebrating!
Happy birthday R!! Eat lots of cake for me.
Happy Birthday R! I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday....can't believe our 'babies' are 5 this year...
R is truly such a sweet boy and I can't believe tomorrow will be the 3rd birthday he's had since I met him. (Remember me filming his 3rd bday while you were in the hospital with Graham? Who knew we'd become good friends?
Hope he enjoyed our bday song to him.
Happy Birthday R - we love you so much! Love Aunt Jenny, Uncle Joey, Bird and Eli
Awesome!!! I love the age of 5!!! Happy Birthday to your little man!
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