Wednesday, February 19, 2014

No More Brown Guacamole

"Ugh, my guacamole always turns brown!" could top a list of First-World problem statements I've caught myself saying.

You've heard of First-World problems, right?  They're some of life's minor complaints and irritants that those of us who have been blessed beyond measure find ourselves uttering because we have it so.  crazy.  good.

Things that folks in many places around the world couldn't even comprehend saying because they have much bigger, larger or more urgent worries.  

So while browning guacamole is far from a catastrophe, it is something that I've tried, unsuccessfully, to conquer for years…until now.

Sweet Pea Husband gave me an idea a few weeks ago, and ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to share with you that it is a fool-proof, easy and simple solution.

The answer?


Yes, just water.

(Isn't it cool that many of life's issues, whether large or small, often have very simple solutions?)

Here's how it works:

Make up your fresh guacamole.  Need a recipe?  We like making this simple guacamole:

Eat what you want, share what you want or keep it all for later.  Place in a lidded container:

Smooth the top:

Cover with water so no part of the guacamole is exposed:

Refrigerate until you're ready to eat or serve, then remove from the fridge:

Simply pour off the water, stir in any minor residual water and enjoy!:

Same guacamole, one day later!

Because avocado has a lot of healthy oils in it, the water doesn't seep into the guacamole (oil and water don't mix, right?) and any trace of water you mix into the guacamole doesn't change the texture or flavor.

Pretty cool, eh?

Life is sweet,


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