When we returned home I was anxious to upload some photos of our trip. Our USB cord for the camera? Completely vanished. Both SPH and I contend we saw it on our kitchen counter while unpacking, but it is gone. Another item lost to the mysterious vortex in our home. This vortex also enjoys snatching socks. But I digress...after a week of being unplugged, we returned to find ourselves unplugged, as in, where is that #&$^ computer cord?
But happy day, I have a technologically savvy SPH and he helped me upload some photos. Wanna guess where we were off to last week?
Someplace warm...
Where you can drive with top down...
Have a spot of tea...
A magical place where children all ears...
Give up? This picture pretty much sums it up:
Yep, for the first time since I was seven, I, along with the whole Sweet Pea family, visited the Magic Kingdom and Disney World. We celebrated both R and G's birthdays while there, met up with some good friends, visited SPH's Aunt and Uncle and, surprisingly, ran into R's Sunday School Teacher, R and G's pediatrician and R's former tumbling teacher too.
A great time was had by all, but now it's back to reality and time for me to begin blogging again.
So, how about a giveaway? Stonyfield Yogurt has a new Yo Baby product that combines yogurt, vegetables and fruit. Yo Baby Meals combine organic yogurt, organic fruit and vegetables to create a yummy meal for baby. Brilliant!
Leave me a comment and you could win:
Free Yo Baby Meals, an adorable Eric Carle growth chart, a cute bib, reusable grocery bag and a travel bowl with lid.
Yo! You have until Saturday, January 30th at 6pm EST to leave a comment. I will announce the winner Saturday night. And as an aside, this yogurt tastes so good, it is a good way to sneak veggies into your older child too!
So glad you had a great time! I can't wait to go. Glad SPH figured out how to upload the pics, I've been stalking you...
love stonyfield. count me in
Umm yes, count me in too. Liam is at the point where he is now devouring everything in sight and is ready to begin the great yogurt introduction (although in my life my mother had intro'd it 2 months ago!) Such a Stonyfield fan!
yipppee for Disneyworld!! We leave next Sunday!!! Glad you got a well-deserved break!
Hi Jessica! I have recently started reading your blog. I made your food processor meat loaf last week--yummy! Thanks for the ideas and inspiration. Looks like a fun trip to Disney!
:) Jill (Sara's daughter)
i love, well my daughter loves, the new Yo Baby Meals...but haven't been able to find it the last couple of trips to the store
Fun!! Camryn loves Yo Baby. Glad you guys had a great trip. I've never been and hope to make it one day. Matt's family is in Jacksonville, which isn't too far from Orlando so we've got connections in the area. Were the kids surprised?
Welcome back! Looks like you had a fantastic trip! Happy birthday to the boys!
You ran into all those people at DisneyWorld? It's a small world afterall!
Ha! I crack myself up.
just found you from rookie cookie - i loved the slow cooker taco soup, it's now a regular in my rotation.
and yay for the giveaway!
so great to see you!! I can't believe you ran into all those people..we actually ran into my neighbor (by chance) and 2 other families from Mt Pleasant...
Katie, It really IS a small world! Ha!
I am a huge fan of your blog and a big fan of Stonyfield products. This would be a great prize for my picky toddler!
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