Wednesday, October 17, 2012

One Last Hurrah: Tomato and Basil Salad

Our weather has been flirting with a night-time hard freeze, off and on, for about a week now.  If not for the flannel plant coverings my mom shared with me, I think we'd have lost all our basil by now.  

Sadly, our vegetable garden is rapidly waning, but for lunch today, I call this my One Last Hurrah Salad, simply fresh tomatoes, fresh basil, sprinkled in a shallow bowl:

Aren't they gorgeous?

 Then I drizzle them with a bit of kosher salt, fresh ground pepper and the best extra virgin olive oil I can find:

The olive oil gracing today's lunch is my new favorite, an amazingly fruity, fresh (thanks to the packaging, it can stay fresh longer) and handy New Zealand produced The Village Press Olive Oil:  

I think the only thing better than relishing this fresh salad on a late-October day is the inaugural fresh-from-my-garden tomato and basil salad I'll eat next summer.

Thank you, my summer garden, for all the bounty, wonderful meals and memories you provided.  We'll see you again next year!

Life is sweet,


  1. Oh my goodness! This tomato and basil salad sounds so delicious! How great that everything came from your garden.

    We had some indoor veggies going on where we live because we have a huge snail problem. I then found out that there's a natural way to get rid of them with diatomaceous earth which is plentiful here since there's a local mine. So we're getting ready to plant a few yummy foods here too :) i love getting my 5 year old involved with the whole veggie growing/cooking process

  2. Thanks Veronica!

    You are so smart to get your little one involved, that is great!! My 5 year old loves helping too. :)


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