Friday, July 10, 2009

Haut Chocolate

I have a birthday coming up soon.

I have a new item for my wish list:

I am not sure if I will love it or hate it, but I have got to try it.

Vosges Haut Chocolate, you have combined my two all-time favorite foods in one handy bar!

Has anyone out there tried this?



  1. Conisdering how much I love brown sugar on my bacon, I'm sure this will be delicious!

    PS Finally made the TX coleslaw and used the bagged broccoli slaw and banana peppers - yummy!

  2. Bacon and dark chocolate are two of my favorite things, also. But it is definitely scary to think of them as a pairing. Be sure to let us know how it tastes.

  3. Too funny. That would be perfect for you.


  4. Should have mentioned I made the coleslaw to go with the crockpot BBQ, but this time Brian cooked it in the oven overnight - way good.


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