Monday, June 8, 2009

Homemade Slow Melt Popsicles and Such

It was hot this weekend and the boys had a good deal of popsicles...but I had not one messy shirt to clean. You want to know my secret?

This weekend was full with a trip to the Columbus Arts Festival, T-ball practice, a birthday party that included a fire truck visit

and some preparations for our upcoming weekend camping trip (more on that later this week). Since G is in that "let me help!" stage, we let him clean up the cooler, which he turned into a make-shift personal pool.

Our meals for the week:

Grilled Chicken Sausage, Fresh Sweet Pea and Herb Potato Salad (recipe tomorrow!), Marinated Grape Tomatoes
Ginger Shrimp Stirfry
Taco Salad

Happy Week All-


  1. I will have to try your popsicles.

    I love the picture of your little guy in the cooler.

  2. Those look great. Thanks for trying to make your own. I will have to try to make them and ditch my other ones with the funky ingredient. I hope that my biggest critic (J) also likes them. I don't have popsicle things. What should I use? I have ice cubes so I could try those.

    We will have to catch up.


  3. Nice job on the cooler G! I can't wait to go camping soon. Haven't been in a long time.


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