Friday, July 25, 2008

You can keep your brown paper packages tied up with string

Here are a few of my favorite (snack) things...

Hansen's Sodas, particularly their mandarin orange. This stuff is a splurge, but since I hardly ever drink soda, it tastes amazing for a special treat:

Peppermint Altoids, dipped in Dark Chocolate. This gives me a good chocolate fix without feeling guilty. Bonus: fresh breath!
Stonyfield Chocolate Underground Fat Free Yogurt. I can hardly believe this stuff is fat free, it tastes so good. My other favorite thing to snack on in is their Black Cherry flavor with a couple dozen dark chocolate chips mixed in too:

Kettle Chips! Almost any flavor will do, but recently I discovered their Spicy Thai flavor and they are oh-so-good:And in the category of "I buy them for my sweet peas but end up eating just as many as they do," Annie's Bunny Grahams. Yum.
Last but not least, Breyer's All Natural Double Churned Ice Cream. Simple, sweet, and perfect for the summer.

What's on your list? Please share, as I am a bona fide snack-a-holic.

Have a great weekend everyone--I am off for a girl's weekend with my friend S!!


  1. OMGoodness. Funny you ask about a fav snack as I just discovered one yesterday. Come see at my post for Friday 7/25. They're Mareblu Naturals Pumpkin & Pistachio clusters.

  2. I'm a big fan of WASA crackers with hummus spread on top.

    I'm not much of a snacker though. Well, healthy snacks at least. I'm pretty sure my to-die-for-don't-ask-what's-in-it queso dip isn't what you had in mind.

  3. SM--I've never tried the WASAs. Are they good? Also, trust me, if I bought Cheetos, Doritos, Cookies, etc. they would be gone in an instant. That's why I only mooch these snacks when I am visiting a friend who has some...otherwise I would be in trouble.

  4. I love all chips - any kind. Brian eats lunch at home and usually has one bag going. I have him keep it in the office so I don't eat them all. I have not seen the Spicy Thai. I will definitely be looking for that. I usually go for the jalapeno version, but my favorite brand is Bob's Texas Potato chips and they have a new Vidalia Onion flavor.

    I hear the Skinny Cow mini fudgesicles are only 50 calories and intensely chocolately, if you need a chocolate fix.

  5. My snack vices are truly terrible - full of UFI's and artificial coloring - but I rarely have them. Think Baked UTZ (BBQ flavor), Baked Doritos (especially around Superbowl time)... And if I'm really feeling wild I'll have a Dominion Root Beer to wash it all down.

    What I actually snack on are Kashi granola bars, Cabot Light Cheddar cheese, and any form of chocolate (milk or dark) in bite-size pieces. Those Altoids are on my list - can't wait to try them!

    Hope the girls' weekend is fantastic! How could it not be?

  6. Orville Red. 96% FF Kettle Corn popcorn, Snyder Restaurant Style tortilla chips and Diet Coke or a glass of wine in the evening.

  7. Orville Red. 96% FF Kettle Corn popcorn, Snyder Restaurant Style tortilla chips and Diet Coke or a glass of wine in the evening.

  8. Peanut Butter Chocolate Clif Bars
    Choxie Melt Away Dessert Truffles (yes, those are a snack. Not just a treat)
    Bolthouse Clementine Juice

    And my favorite snack/meal right now: 3 eggs, scrambled with salt and pepper and a diced avocado on top. Heavenly... Someday I WILL have an avocado tree!


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